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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
LOST is Back!!
So, we're watching American Idol last night - yes, I watch that crap that Fox puts out once a year in hopes that somebody that actually has talent will wind up going to Hollywood. But, that never happens. In the early stages of the stupid show all you see are all the idiots that actually believe they can sing, but, in fact, sound more like something out of a freak show. And usually look it too. Getting back to the original point - it's looking like this year is going to surpass last year as the worst year for singers. And, one would think, with all the gazillions of people that show up to audition for this catastrophe, that there would be a little more than just people who think they can sing but people who actually can sing. I guess all the people who should be trying out are too busy at home eating Cheetos and masturbating. But, that's just a guess.

Our office still hasn't moved. We had a final occupancy inspection yesterday - which we failed. But, from what I understand, is very common at this stage of the game considering that the building was just about completely gutted and rebuilt. So, my boss has a list of everything that needs to be done and he's going to try again on Thursday. You know, I went through this in December with moving our house - boxes of crap everywhere, not knowing where anything is, just desperately wanting it to be all over and for somebody to hold me. And here I am again. But, at least this time it's not all our responsibility, so that's good. I have my desk completely cleaned out and boxed up and ready to go. I'm thinking, however, that over the next few days I'll be spending a lot of time boxing up other things unrelated to my desk getting ready for this move. Did I ever mention that I hate moving?

Our Office - What a Mess!

LOST is back tonight, with new episodes which should air every week until around the end of February. Ok, that's a lie, I don't really know if they are going to air new episodes every week, or if they will take a break in between, but I know one thing for sure - it's a new one tonight and I'll be watching. I just wish they wouldn't have moved the time up an hour. You know, for me being as old as I am staying up until 10:00pm is really hard work! But, I'll suck it up and stay up until 10 to watch. And, if I fall asleep no big thing. It's being recorded!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:43 AM  
  • At Wednesday, February 07, 2007 8:58:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I keep seeing promos that say there are going to be 16 new episodes of LOST in a row. No repeats.

    I don't watch anymore (gave up sometime in the second season, too frustrating), but looks like you're in for some good, new TV until May!

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