It's way too friggin' cold outside. It's minus 15 degrees with a wind chill of minus 30. Got up this morning, showered, dressed for work, went out to start my car and no dice. Thing just refused to do anything. Dennis came out and finally got the thing started and warmed it up for about a half an hour. I'm thinking, okay, good, I'm going in. So, I pull out of the driveway and get to the end of the street to the first stop sign, I stop. The car dies. Great. Won't start back up. Even better! So, I walk the 3/4 of a block back home and nearly froze my ass off! Dennis goes back, finally get the car started, and gets it home. Goes to start his car to get a new battery since this one is more than likely shot, and his car is making horrible noises. So, now, he's putting the spare tire on the flat rear Mustang tire so he can get to the auto parts store to get a new battery. Good times!!
Speaking of good times, I'm disappointed that the Bears lost the Superbowl. But, it was a good season and a fun ride and now all we can do it look forward to next season. I'm still indifferent to Rex Grossman. I know he's young, I know it's his first full regular season where he started every game and hasn't gotten injured somehow, but I'm still not sure if he's the guy.