Holy fucking hell this morning sucked so much ass I can't even put it into words.
It took me 2 hours to get to work. Traffic was at a stand still, snow was flying, the wind was blowing. Fuck!
And very late this afternoon is the office move. I don't believe I have to stay to help move stuff because the bossman doesn't want to pay overtime - which is fine with me. I would much rather get my ass home tonight in one piece.
I had a bunch of other pictures from my cell phone but for some reason I downloaded them and they aren't showing up. Their system must be down or some shit. But, I did have my handy dandy Sony digital camera with me and did take this picture:
I took the day off today. I tried going in, but the roads were bad getting to the babysitter's house 5 minutes away so I decided to come back home. I am driving a rental car right now because I'm getting my van fixed from getting rear ended last week. I didn't want to risk getting into an accident in that thing. Besides the fact I am not used to the car and it would take at least 2 hours to get from Round Lake to Rolling Meadows. Not to mention the afternoon commute today since it's supposed to snow all day long. It's just not worth it. I have time to use so I'm going to use it for days like this. Not being a baby, just smart.
Wow! That was some crappy time. It took hubby 1.5 hours to get from Wonder Lake to Mundelein. Kudos for going to work, hope it's worth it!