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Thursday, November 16, 2006
Playstation 3 Madness
What a bunch of idiots lined up in tents around the two different Best Buy's I passed on the way to work this morning.

It would be okay if it was a bunch of people standing in line to get a Playstation 3 for their kids for Christmas, but that's not what's going on here. They are people who want to buy a Playstation 3 to put up on EBay and sell at an outrageous price. Which, I guess is alright considering it IS America and all hail capitalism and what not - but it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth, not dissimilar to the horrible reheated pizza I had last night for dinner. One kid standing in line that was interviewed this morning for the news said he didn't care about the Playstation 3 - he just wanted to take it and sell it because he knows there are dip shit parents out there that will pay at least a few thousand to be their kid's hero this Christmas. And, due to their overwhelming need to not only keep up but to beat the holy living crap out of the Jones, their kid will be the first on the block to have the highly coveted Playstation 3. I haven't seen any ads for any games on this particular device so I'm not even sure what the big hoopla is all about. That would be the ironic thing - you're the first one on the block to have the Playstation 3 but you can only play Playstation 2 games on it because there aren't any available for the new unit yet. I doubt that's the case, but I don't know.

Here's my tip for the day - the people at Sony, in a very evil attempt to turn a profit, will make more of these fucking things and in a few months you'll be able to buy one at regular prices. Yea, I know. Your fucking kid wants it NOW and we've become a society that needs instant gratification. I guess I can relate on some kind of level. I'm pretty spontaneous myself and once I want something I lose all focus of everything else and I have to have it now too. If the Playstation 3 was a rare issue of Seven for all Mankind jeans, I would probably be one of those idiots out there too. Who the fuck am I kidding? I'm far too lazy to put that much time and effort into my shopping.

I'm not quite sure why this bothers me because there's nothing wrong in it. It's the way our country was founded. It just seems downright silly to me. I wouldn't camp out for days for a Playstation 3 - even if I was camping.

But, that's just me.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:53 AM  
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