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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Monday, November 06, 2006
Black Monday and 2 Milestones
Well, the Bears lost. Which is why it's Black Monday. It shouldn't come as a shock to Bears fans, as hopes for an undefeated season just went down the tubes. Not that we really thought we could get by with it, we knew eventually we would have a bad day and let somebody through. The only thing that brings me comfort in this Monday of Mourning is that Miami is the only team that beat the '85 Bears. Not that this '06 team is any where near the talent of the '85 team, but one can still hold out hope that they will get their heads out of their asses and work hard going into the next three weeks on the road.

It's like they already lost the Superbowl around here, the way people talk. I mean, come on!! They're still 7 and 1!! Which is still pretty damned good, any way you want to look at it. And they still should win the division and get to the playoffs - unless, of course, Urlacher's ankle is serious enough to keep him out of at least the next 3 games. Haven't heard anything yet tho, so we'll wait and see. I have to now eat some crow (how many points is that?) and congratulate the Miami Dolphins and their fans. They played an amazing game considering nobody thought they would win. Which is probably why they DID win.

Oh, and I forgot to post that last Friday, November 3rd I met 2 pretty big milestones. One, is that it's now been two years since I joined the infamous Weight Watchers program and lost almost 75 pounds. The second, is that last Friday is also my boobies birthday!! A six month birthday for the twins. It doesn't seem like it's been that long at all. Seems like yesterday I was an ironing board with nipples. Now, I have BOOOOOOBS!!!!!

This week should promise to be a very busy week. I have to go to the Coochie Doctor this afternoon, which I'm so excited and looking forward to (as if). Guys, they have it so easy. They just have to turn their heads and cough. Women, on the other hand, have to go through invasive cold tools and a stranger staring up their crotchal region. Doesn't seem fair, does it? Then my sister flies in on Thursday night, followed by my other sister coming in Friday night. Then, of course, Saturday is the famous birthday party for my middle sister. Thank God that it should be over and I should be home by 8:00 Saturday night - just in time to go and do something fun.

Last Saturday, I attended a candle party at my good friend Cleo'sMama's house. My stomach is still turning from all of the veggies, beer battered bread, dips and chips that I wolfed down as part of the festivies. Kim has lost an incredibly amount of weight (almost a HUNDRED pounds!!) on weight watchers and looks absolutely beautiful!! So, I'm going to post a few pictures here of her with her friend Cleo (you knew I would Kim. Don't act like you're not surprised).

Kim & Cleo

Thanks for the fun Saturday Kim!! And Congratulations on your success.

So, that about wraps things up for this Black Monday. But, I do notice that the sun is starting to come out so it might just be an okay day after all.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:51 AM  
  • At Monday, November 06, 2006 11:09:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Suzie!

    For the longest time I couldn't get on your blog at work! I went through withdrawl! lol!

    Congrats on your booby birthday! I bet they don't look a day over 3 months!

    Your right! Kim is gorgeous! And her puppy is adorable too!

    Glad to be back to the blog!


  • At Monday, November 06, 2006 5:05:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow, that game sure was painful to watch especially when you're stuck at home with the worst flu! ARGH! Cough Cough. I am so bummed I couldn't make it on Saturday to Kim's party. I really wanted to come. But I have had this really nasty flu since Friday. Finally I am actually feeling well enough to hop on the computer and check what's been going on.

    Kim, you are looking hot girl!

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