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Thursday, November 02, 2006
Somebody Shoot Me
I've been so tired. For the past week, I can't stay awake later than 9:30pm or so. I try, but I just can't keep my eyes open. I don't know if it's the weather, the longer work days, the time change, or if I'm just friggin' sick. Hopefully, it's not because I'm sick. But, I will say this started around the time I began taking these stupid pills for my thyroid. And I've been so hungry too. I haven't given in to that though - I still only eat as much as I should to maintain my weight. So, we'll see after the weekend if I'm still feeling like crap.

Of course, Monday I'll not be feeling so great - mostly because I have to see the vagina doctor. And I absolutely hate going there. Nothing more fun than putting your legs up in stirrups and having some stranger stick cold, metallic objects up your cooch. And not even have the decency to buy you dinner first.

I believe I did talk Dennis into spending Thanksgiving at home, just the two of us. It didn't take much convincing at all, really. I just told him what I told all you yesterday and he said it sounded like it would be a good time. So, I win!!

I did happen to make it through the entire episode of Lost and South Park last night. Then 9:30 hit and that's all she wrote. You would think getting 8 full hours of sleep a night I would be wide awake and chipper in the morning - so not true. My head hurts, I wanna go back to sleep, and I certainly do not want to be at work. Maybe it's not me - maybe I'm just sick and tired of working. I would tend to believe that one first.

So, Lost last night. I knew they were going to kill off Echo. It was all in the air for weeks. It was cool to see the return of the smoke monster. But I still can't help but wonder what it has to do with anything at all - especially the Others. Speaking of the Others, what's up with Juliet and the movie with the signs telling Jack that Ben is evil and suggesting he kill him during his spinal operation? Are we supposed to believe that she did that behind Ben's back? He knows everything that happens on that island and I'm sure that he probably set that whole thing up as part of Jack's "breaking process". Get Jack to trust Juliet because he sure doesn't trust Ben. And why oh why are they all of a sudden letting no-named survivors speak now? Don't they have enough going on as it is? What is the purpose of the no-named girl wanting to go with Loche to find the other hatch and find Echo? I find that rather confusing. And where has Sun and Jin been? I haven't seen them since Sun shot the Other who died a few weeks ago. We saw Sayid last night - Sun and Jin were with him last time we saw them. This show is by far my most confusing hour every week.

And in the previews for next week they say the "Fall Finale". What does that mean? Is it going on haitus after 6 episodes? When is it going to return? Would somebody please answer these questions so I'll stop asking them? I know, I'm a pain in the ass.

I also finished watching Tuesday's episode of Nip/Tuck before watching Lost last night. Yes, I fell asleep at about 9:30 Tuesday watching it. I still can't believe that Julia slept with the dwarf. The only thing I was really disappointed in is that I thought we would finally get to see some decent dwarf porn. But it wasn't meant to be. I don't get why Julia and Sean stay together. Neither one can stay faithful to the other. And they wonder why Matt is so messed up and in a Scientology cult.

Anyway, I'm at work, was 10 minutes late today due to traffic hell. But, it's better than the 1/2 an hour I was late yesterday, so as far as I'm concerned I'm on a roll! Of course, I'm here until 4:30 today, it's my late day so I'll probably fall asleep an hour earlier tonight - at 8:30. Good thing I have Tivo or I would miss everything.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:55 AM  
  • At Thursday, November 02, 2006 10:30:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You know, I can't seem to get into this season of Lost. I ended up turning it off halfway through last night to watch the Days of Our Lives episode I had recorded from earlier. At least ABC puts Lost episodes on their web site so when there's nothing else on I'm planning on catching up and watching all the episodes again from this season.

    As far as the "Fall Finale", I believe I heard that they would only show new episodes this season (no repeats) so in order to do that, they have to have it kind of on a hiatus. I think it's supposed to return sometime after the first of the year and have all new episodes until the season finale. Another new show is supposed to be taking Lost's time slot during the hiatus. WTG ABC - what a way to fuck with our heads!

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