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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Monday, October 30, 2006
Weekend Hangover
It's Monday, and I'm suffering from yet another weekend hangover. You know what I'm talking about - the weekend is over and you're at work and all you really want to do is just do the weekend over. That, combined with the fact I forgot my glasses today and I'm wearing my contacts is really not a good thing. As a matter of fact, right now, I would like to scratch my fucking eyes out. It's a pain in the ass to wear these plastic discs things when I'm tired.

I was late for work by almost a half an hour due to fucking traffic. I really hate traffic - have I mentioned this before? Not sure I have so I figured I better bring it up again. Fortunately, nobody was here yet so there isn't anybody to kick my ass for being late.

Bears go to 7 and 0 beating the San Francisco 49'ers 41 to 10. The Bears had it done in the first quarter but decided to stick around long enough to let some of the second stringer's play a little. I'm hopeful for a Super Bowl appearance, but there's still a lot of games to go. One more at home against Miami then it's 3 on the road - the Jets, the Giants, and the Patriots. So, we'll see.....

Friday night we went to a Halloween party and met Jesus. Actually, there were two of them and I wasn't sure which one I should pray to so I left the praying to the pregnant nun that showed up later. It was fun, although we didn't stay very late since Dennis had to be at work at 6 o'clock Saturday morning. Dennis only wore his costume for about half an hour and that's all he could take. It's not the most comfortable thing in the world to wear, so it didn't last long. But, got lotsa laughs.

Yea, my face is missing. I cut if off intentionally due to one message board that doesn't allow face photos. Actually, you're probably pretty lucky that my face isn't showing because I believe I'm making a stupid face to begin with. But, it's hard to tell since I'm pretty much always making a stupid face.

Woke up Saturday morning at about 6am with an incredible sinus headache. I couldn't get back to sleep due to the pounding so I took some cold/sinus stuff and, eventually, made it back to sleep. Unfortunately, I didn't wake up until around 3:30 Saturday afternoon and felt insanely groggy. But, we decided to hit up a few local bars in costume regardless. Until around 11:00 when the alcohol mixed with the cold/sinus medication and the fact that the thyroid medicine makes me feel a little dizzy totally put me under so we went home. Saturday night was a race to see if I could fall asleep before I barfed up a lung. You'll be happy to know that both of my lungs are indeed intact and everything went to plan - no puking that night.

Sunday, I lounged around all morning and afternoon watching the Bears beat the crap outta the 49ers then promptly decided that I really needed to get out of the house so I went to Dennis' band practice to check up on the boys. They're writing some really cool shit - personally, I feel that it is a lot better than Delta 32. Hopefully, they'll be playing out someplace soon. Then it was on to more great fun - grocery shopping. *ugh*

So, there you have it. Pretty boring, actually, but fun. Hope everybody had a nice weekend.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 8:10 AM  
  • At Monday, October 30, 2006 9:12:00 AM, Blogger Wildsissy said…

    Your costume looks really great! At least you made the party after Dennis had to drive 3 freakin hours on Friday! Insanity!

    ahhh I was talking about you on the Newbie board yesterday when the Bears were 31 to 0! I was asking where you were, and then I answered my own question by saying "stuck to the tv cheering on DA BEARS" lol!

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