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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I'm so Lost
So, it's Wednesday and that means that we're almost 1/2 way through the work week - given that you work a five day week Monday through Friday. It also means that there's a new episode of Lost on tonight (for you Lost fans).

I love Lost, I really do, but I have found it to be rather aggravating lately. Lately, meaning, since the second episode of the second season. Last season I think they tried to be too much. They, like the Bears Monday night, almost became a product of their own hype. Everybody, including critics and the like, loved Lost in season 1, season 2 - not so much. Number one mistake - adding new characters and back stories of people that they never intended to survive the show to the end of the season. But, then again, the two characters in question were involved in two separate DUI incidents - but the Lost execs claim that had nothing to do with it. Lost has become a show where you find the stories and the plots very interesting and tend to over analyze to the point that you believe everything means something. But does it?

They tend to resolve nothing. Anything you might become interested in knowing about this show is something that, by the time you do find out (my guess - season 10, if it lasts that long), you realized you didn't care about to begin with and have forgotten all about it. Case in point - what happened to the monster in the pilot? Did he just disappear? Why did Walt have powers and why couldn't he have used those powers to get them off the island before cutting him and Michael from the cast? What is the point of Michael having powers? What is this show? Is it a science fiction show? Is it a drama? I guess it never ends - no questions get answered - only more questions. Now, this is very good to a degree because we keep watching, hoping in vain that something, anything will be revealed to us. The question is how long will it take for the viewers to lose interest entirely? That would be ME if they don't do something....quick!

Naw.....I love Lost. I'm sure I'll keep watching.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:50 AM  
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