Here we are again, another fucking Monday. Just another sign that the weekend of officially over. And another boring week in my life is complete.
Although, one positive thing about this Monday - my boss is taking me and my co-worker out to lunch. Of course, there being no free lunches in this world anymore, we have to go to our new office that is being built and meet with the person who is doing all of our furniture and layout. I'm still trying to comprehend the idea that so much thought and work needs to be put into where everything will be. It's not like there's 200 people that need to fit into a space made for 50 - there's only 4 workstations in the front, two offices, a lunchroom, and a back room. How hard can it be? Ummmm...let's see, 4 desks in the front, we'll put the copier here, we'll put the files here, and that's it. But, no, we've had to sit through 4 extremely boring meetings because my fussy co-worker keeps changing her mind on every single revision. Which is fine - I guess most people would find that this type of thing is fascinating and have very strong opinions about it. Me? Just tell me what day to be there and point in the direction of my desk and I'll figure it all out. Once we're there we're going to figure out that this doesn't belong there, or this makes more sense over here and we'll be moving everything anyway. It does mean, however, that we get out of work for a few hours to take care of this nonsense and the boss is buying lunch so I think I'm stop complaining about
Anybody doing anything fun for Halloween? We haven't dressed up for Halloween for years. The last time, which was about 5 years ago, it was extremely disappointing, so say the least. Mostly because I was a huge fat ass and every costume was too small at the Halloween store and made me look like either a fat vampire, or a fat devil, or just fat in general. I wore this pathetic jester costume that made me look like the ugliest, fattest jester on the planet. And, this was all confirmed when I saw the pictures a week later. Of which I immediately destroyed in hopes that everybody was way too drunk to remember it. This year, that ain't gonna happen!
You know, Halloween parties are a great excuse for somewhat more conservative girls to dress like sluts - because you're just playing a part. And, for me, I won't be an exception this year! No, I'm not dressing up as a whore or as Madonna, just your ordinary, run of the mill, Nancy Sinatra looking go go dancer. Which will be fun, because I really dig the whole 60's thing and believe wholeheartedly that I completely missed my generation.
(side note: that's a good thing because if I HAD been older than 2 in 1965 I would be older than 43 now).
I've got the totally mod go go dancer mini dress and I just ordered some really far out white platform lace up go go boots on the internet over the weekend. I'm going to wear my hair in a headband with it really poofy at the scalp after the headband - and totally flipped up in the back. I'm going to paint a flower on my cheek and have a peace sign ecklace. Yea, groovy baby!

Here's a picture from the packaging. Granted, I won't look like HER in it, but oh well - I don't have as much to work with! The boots are EXACTLY like the ones in the picture.
My husband's costume on the other hand? Well, all I can say is that I always knew I married a big dick! A picture speaks a thousand words...  Don't say I didn't warn you.
Post me a message and tell me about your worst Halloween nightmare, and what your plans are this year.
Oh my f'in God that's the funniest picture I have EVER seen. Your costume looks cute, I'm sure you'll look amazing.
Worst Halloween ever: throwing up on some stranger and passing out on Hudson St. when I was 18.
This year we're having a party and I don't know what to be (as I think dressing up is essential!).