I originally intended to use this blog as a means for me to express myself in a healthy, uncaged kind of way. However, this is the real world and even on here I sometimes find myself suppressing what I really want to say. It has more to do with preserving the feelings of others than my own gratuitous need to really piss somebody off.
And this is where I find myself today. Suppressing what I'm feeling. I want so badly right now to send an open letter to a friend that I know reads this blog so she knows what's on my mind. But, today, I'm finding that is harder to do than I originally thought and this may not be the forum to conduct this one sided conversation. It's not that I haven't tried to talk to this person, I have. But, you know, when all else fails you do what you gotta do.
I'm not saying that by tomorrow I won't have a change of heart and let it all come out. But, for today, sometimes it's just best to leave well enough alone.
Now I have to know what this is about!
Write it tomorrow. Hope it's not me!