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Thursday, November 09, 2006
My Cockmaster
It's Thursday and Friday. Well, for me anyway!

Today is my Friday. I'm off tomorrow and, if I can get my wonderful, sweet, all caring, all powerful cockmaster of a husband of mine to loan me a little money, I'll be shopping with my sister tomorrow. Hey, he knows I'm good for it.

Speaking of cockmaster, here's a funny little story about that. When I was in Texas I finally went to a Verizon Wireless store because, since day one, I had been having trouble with my phone. It would take forever to connect, and if I sent Dennis a text message I would have to resend it about 5 times before it would go through. So, I'm at the Verizon store and explaining my predicament. So, I decided to show them my outbox in my message folder on my phone so they can see how many failed sent messages there are. So, they're looking at my phone and the girl starts giggling. She then looks at the guy helping her and he looks at her and he was trying so hard not to laugh. I didn't think anything of it until I left the store. Now here's where it gets really embarrassing.

In my cell phone, instead of listing it under my husband's name (which would have been the smart thing to do) I have him listed as Cockmaster. Yea, it's stupid but it's kinda funny at the same time. Anyway, all of a sudden it hits me why they're laughing. They're looking at my sent messages - all made out to Cockmaster.

Well, it gets even better! Verizon ships me a new phone and I get it the day I get back from vacation and take it into the Verizon store to restore everything from the old one to the new one. Except for the ringtone. The ringtone announces who's calling - for example, Call From Dennis. Anyway, I go back to work the next day and I have my cell phone sitting on my desk. We happened to have clients in the office that day, walking back and forth from the bossman's office and the front door. So, my phone rings. And, yes, you guessed it, it was Dennis and all you heard in the office is:

Call From Cockmaster

I think if I could have hidden in a hole at that particular moment, I would have. Did I change it in my phone? Hell no. Now it's a matter of principal. I did, however, change the ringtone so it would no longer do that.

So, I digress. Tonight, my Texas sister's flight gets in and we go to pick her up. Then my middle sister will drive out tomorrow night and we'll hang out until Saturday at which point we will then take her to her surprise birthday party. It's okay, she doesn't even know this blog exists (none of my family does - I reserve the right to speak about my family any way I want to without offending them. And they can't be offended if they don't know it exists, right?). So, it'll be a good time.

And, for all of you who have heard me rant and rave about my co-worker and her leaving early every Tuesday and Thursday I must express this: she told me yesterday that she doesn't need to leave early today due no school, or something. I didn't get the last part, I was too much in shock. I told her thanks and that'll help me out a lot since I have to go pick up my sister tonight. So, I wanted to include in this post how nice it was of her to do that. Because she definitely didn't have to.

So, on that note I'm outta here. I won't be here tomorrow so you'll all have to get your Stupid Fix someplace else. Happy weekend everybody!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:56 AM  
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