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Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Mini-Vans and Elections
No offense intended if you drive a mini-van for what I'm about to say. And if you do drive a mini-van and are offended by this? Don't pretend you're surprised I don't care.

I have a question for you mini-van drivers - is the automatic LSD attachment to your heating/air conditioning unit standard or optional? Don't get all offended by this - you know it's true. I would rather have a big ass 18 wheeler carrying a load of toxic materials leaking out it's ass in front of me then to drive behind your shitty ass driving abilities in a mini-van. Most of you (and, please note I said MOST) drive like you've just smoked a big doobie laced with some kind of mind altering substance not known to man. I had not one, not two, but three of you crazy ass mini-vans pull out in front of me this morning and two of you didn't have the decency to even drive up to the speed limit! One driver kept slowing down to almost a complete stop every 1/4 mile to turn around and scream at the 5 kids she was hauling off to school this morning. If you can't control your kids in the car, then get some fucking counseling on how to instill in your children the meaning of sitting down with your seat belt on and shutting the fuck up while mom drives.

On to the topic dujour - elections. I'm so sick of the election I could puke. All you see on TV are ridiculous commercials with one opponent making accusations about the other opponent. Never do they actually have a commercial telling you how they stand on squat. And the fucking phone calls that are recorded and logged into a computer with everybody on the planet's phone number - how many celebrities have called you in the past month? I know that I've gotten at least two calls a night for the past two weeks. And why is it they can get by with this phone solicitation crap when you have your number logged onto the no-solicit list? Because, apparently, it doesn't pertain to political candidates.

I decided I will vote only for the candidates that share these same viewpoints that I do:

1) Make it illegal for any shit actor or actress to express their political views in a public forum. I don't care how you stand on any issue that even pertains to anything that we could both relate to. Just learn your lines and look pretty for the camera - that's your purpose in the world.

2) Make it illegal for any operator of any mini-van to drive anywhere in my vicinity.

3) Give all the candidates a questionnaire on all the relevant topics of the times and have them write an essay on their viewpoints on each of the questions - and make it illegal on this questionnaire to mention your opponents name. Then distribute this questionnaire to all Americans. This might actually enable you to see where these jackasses stand on issues rather than only seeing how their opponents viewpoint is wrong.

Thank God it's the last day of this crazy nonsense of this election season. I honestly don't care who wins or loses as long as they just all shut the fuck up for the next two years.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 8:07 AM  
  • At Tuesday, November 07, 2006 10:41:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I second the amen! It is so obnoxious! All of it and I mean all of it seems so underhanded!

    Then you are told that if you don't vote your basically a communist! All of a sudden on election day everything is so patriotic and apple pie all american! And "if you don't vote, you don't have a right to complain about who wins!" If I knew anything about any of these people, I would vote! All I know is that some guy got a tape of the other guy saying something about how he wants "something" done which is supposedly a "shady" something, but could very well just have been him ordering chinese food!

    I do have to say I drive a minivan. I don't drive it because I think minivan is the only way to go, its just cause thats the car we got without having to spend alot of money. They do have obnoxious blind spots! But as a driver of one of these, I know this and I am extra careful!

    My dream though is to one day have a regular car! Oh yeah, I don't have any little screaming kids I have to put in it either! :)


  • At Wednesday, November 08, 2006 7:31:00 AM, Blogger Wildsissy said…

    OKay, now I know WTF you were talking about yesterday. On the way to work I didn't have to pass to close to any "polling places" however, on my to meet some WW'rs to walk.. yeah a different story. I was driving through a subdivision close to my home to meet up and as I got close to the school 3 cars YES 3 CARS blow off the stop sign and just blow by me. I didn't have a stop sign!! UMM HELLO! So I third that Amen. As far as those stupid commercials just "he did this or that" bs, f them all, they all do stupid bs at some point or another and if they don't do stupid bs then they are finding ways of stealing from us. I make my husband turn the channel, I mean seriously, are we in kindergarten here?

    I won't vote simply for the fact that it's easy to get snowed by this promise or what they SAY they'll do and then lookey lookey a couple years later, not one of those "promises" are kept, not one of their "I'm gonna save the world" techniques was ever put in to effect.

  • At Monday, November 13, 2006 11:45:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I know what you mean about minivan drivers. I drive one, but don't drive like that though. The funny thing is that some people expect me to drive slow and try to pass me up, but I suprise them and speed up so they can't get ahead of me. :) Hey, I commute 30 miles to and from work each day so I have to do something to entertain myself. I do drive nicer in the car when my kids are in there with me, but fortunately they know how to act in the car usually.

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