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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
All Aboard
It took forever to get home last night. And one would think that wouldn’t be possible with taking a train to and from, right? Wrong. A freight train had the nerve to break down on a stretch of track where there is only one track instead of two. Bastards. So, we had to stop and wait for them to fix the train before we could proceed.

Could you imagine if you had to drive to work and a car broke down in front of you and you had to wait until they fixed that car to move again? Of course, the chances of a car breaking down and a train breaking down are infinitely different, mostly because, well, duh, there are a lot more cars on the roads then there are trains on a track. Yea, I’m a genius.

Anyway, I got home finally, about two hours late. I made burgers for dinner then turned on the tube and went to bed early, but kept waking up every few hours with this insane stomach burning. It’s really strange, it feels like when you’re really really hungry and it comes in waves? Like, for example, every 15 seconds or so it burns, then it goes away, then it burns again, and so on and so on and so on. If I eat something, like a cracker, it goes away for a while but then comes back. I dunno. Maybe I’m getting an ulcer or something crazy like that. Or I ate something fucked up. Or maybe I have some kind of stomach virus. Who the fuck knows, I’m not a doctor. All I know is that if I drink or eat something it calms it down. Great, all I have to do is be eating 24X7 and I’m cured. Not good. At least it’s not making me blow chunks. That would be bad.

Oh, Big Love last Sunday – can I call it or can I call it? Sarah is pregnant. I knew it, I knew it! And they need to dump that whole 4th wife thing – it’s just not working. But, from the previews for next week it appears that she double crosses them or something. And is it me or is Nicki just a huge, nagging, obnoxious, spoiled bitch? Yea, I didn’t think it was just me.

Time to get to work. I have to earn that paycheck that I’m extremely blessed to have.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 8:05 AM  
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