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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Media Has Gone Insane
Oh, dear God, make it stop!

I’m talking, of course, about all the hoopla, press coverage, and non-stop talk about Obama. Okay, give him his moment (not that he hasn’t already had about a thousand of those) but let’s keep things in perspective, shall we?

It’s not so much the attention that’s being given to this event – and it is a historic event, I do realize that. However it is extremely irritating that, today, there are millions of people who have lost their jobs. There are millions of families that are worried about how they are going to feed and clothe their children. There are millions of people who are being vacated from their homes and being foreclosed on. There are millions of people who have lost most of their life savings from men in corporate positions with golden parachutes. It just seems to me to be a little self serving to be focusing on parties that cost millions of dollars when those millions could help so many families get back on their feet. I don’t feel the hope in that situation, not when his campaign raised about, what is the estimate? Something in the neighborhood of $400,000,000 dollars? And how many performers gave up their time to give concerts to raise money for this man? And how many of those performers have given concerts this year to help raise money to save this country?

I’ll bet not many. Because, after all, that is the job of the government. Which, we all know, in reality, the job of us hard working, tax paying citizens. We pay for it. And we’re going to keep on paying for it because people no longer feel that they have to be personally responsible for anything anymore. There isn’t anybody that is going to step into that office and magically make everything better.

American’s have become a land of people who feel that they are entitled to the things all of our forefathers have paid for. That the government and the American people owe them a decent living, owe them a right to live in prosperity. It doesn’t work that way.

A good friend of mine wrote an entry about a blog she had to write for a class that was very moving. She stated the differences between the America of our grandparents and the America of today. It’s called Since you Went Away and I wish I new where it was posted, other than Facebook because it’s worth the read.

What happened to patriotism? I’m talking true blue patriotism – the kind that makes you feel proud to be an American? And I’m talking to be an American – not a white American, not an African American, not a Hispanic American, not an Asian American - just a plain ole, “I’m from the United States of America” American? And what is going to happen 20 years from now when we hand over this country to the children of today? Not many of them are being taught that this country is a country worth fighting for, worth defending, and worthy of being proud of. So many are being taught that this country owes them. We take everything for granted. Including inaugural balls. And it takes big inaugural balls to spend another penny on another fucking party.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 8:03 AM  
  • At Tuesday, January 20, 2009 9:16:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Actually a lot of the money from the inauguration is coming from private sources, not from tax money, and the majority of the tax money that is being spent is going towards added security necessary to control such a big crowd in DC. That means jobs were created, albeit temporarily, for the event. I know the price tag looks big, but you have to put things into perspective.

    I do agree with you about people nowadays having such a sense of entitlement. There are still plenty of people out there that are patriotic and would fight for our country. Just take a look at how we all came together on 9/11/01 and the weeks and months following that event. Also, take a look at all the support people gave during Hurricane Katrina and opening their homes to strangers.

    I just try to look past the bad and focus on the good. :)

  • At Tuesday, January 20, 2009 10:41:00 AM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    to me, it doesn't matter where the money comes from. the fact that it is spent on big parties and hoopla bothers me, I guess.

    private donations, tax dollars - it's still money that could be used for better purpose.

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