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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Monday, November 05, 2007
My Weekends are Now Fucked
There's only one upside to this Monday morning - it was light outside when I left the house. But, that also brings a downside - it's going to feel a lot later when I leave tonight. Fucking shit.

My weekend was actually pretty full. Friday night, however, was not. We stayed in and did nothing. Dennis had to get up early on Saturday and I had a bunch of stuff to do as well.

Saturday, I went to Kim's for her annual Partylite party. And, even though I promised myself I wouldn't spend anything Dennis asked me to keep it under $35 bucks. And I did. To my utter astonishment. It was fun - although, I ate too much crap while I was there. Nothing unusual about that, right?

After her party I had to high tail it over to the salon and get something done with the disaster sitting on top of my head called hair. I actually darkened it quite a bit and it looks a lot better. She really took her time and we talked at great length before she started anything. And, I was wise this time and made sure I knew the cost before starting. She first asked me, point blank, how often I wanted to come in for touch ups. I told her no more than every 7-8 weeks. She pointed out with my current color I would have to do it a lot more often than that to keep it looking good, and it would be more expensive since the base color would also have to be redone. I didn't like that idea, so we decided to make the base color more of my natural color with highlights thrown in. At first, it was kind of a shock, and I'll post some pictures here so you have have an idea of what it looks like - but bear in mind, the camera and lighting makes it look a lot lighter than it actually is.

She also talked me into buying this crap to put in my hair that I absolutely love called SilkySexyHair. It's a defrizzer that you can use when it's wet and when it's dry. I put a little bit in before I blow dry, then after it's styled I use a little more. Then a few hours after it's all dried and set, I use a tad more to really make it shiny and silky! If you need a defrizzer, I would highly recommend it. And here's the best part - she only charged me $95 dollars for the color job! That, I can deal with.

Oh, now for the really big news: I finally got a part time job. Yes, it's true. From now on my Friday and Saturday nights are going to be a whole lot busier. We went to dinner at the steakhouse Dennis will be playing his acoustic thing at in a few weeks and the owner (who we've known for a long long time - since before she owned the place) casually mentioned she needed to find a server. Okay, my mind started to think fast - steakhouse? People will spend a lot of money in a steakhouse, right? Which also means the tips should be pretty good. I told her, I'll do it! It's only on Friday nights from 6-10 (originally she said 5, but I don't get home from work until 4:45 so I didn't see that happening) and Saturday nights from 5-10. So, it shouldn't be too bad. I haven't waited tables, though, for a million years. And I don't know if I'll like doing that but if I could even make $100 to $150 bucks a weekend on tips, that would really help us out.

Well, I better get to work before I only have a part time job!

Hope everybody had a great weekend!
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:34 AM  
  • At Monday, November 05, 2007 8:15:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I LOVE the hair!! The color looks great!

  • At Monday, November 05, 2007 8:42:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The color is really pretty. Your hair looks really good in that second picture. I like it!

  • At Monday, November 05, 2007 8:55:00 AM, Blogger Wildsissy said…

    hey girl! Love love love love the hair! Looks great.

    I did my 2nd weekend at the boat over this weekend and I'm totally exhausted. I do Friday and Saturday from 6pm-1am which means I'm going from 7am - 1am the following morning on Friday into Saturday. Saturday I'm a total zombie and it took me until 2pm to get out of the house to grocery shop yesterday. But on the PLUS side I made $90 on Friday and $110 on Saturday plus my hourly wage. Now that I can handle! Good luck on your new part time job. I can't wait to hear how it goes. Maybe once I get more experience I'll switch over to a regular restaurant.

  • At Wednesday, November 07, 2007 8:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sue! Love the color! I did mine too light also but whenever I go to get it to look more "natural" I end up with puke blondishness.

    Yours is exactly what I want mine to look like! Unfortunately since I live in NY it will be a little more expensive for me then 95.

    You look gorgeous and congrats on the job

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