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Thursday, November 01, 2007
I Met Jesus Last Night....and his Wife
I got visited by so many famous and infamous people last night I don't know where to start.

Let's see - there was Osama Bin Laden (yes, one teenage boy was dressed as that), Superman (a twist, however, he was dressed in a business suit, hat with a press pass, and the tie askew, with the shirt unbuttoned revealing a big S on a t-shirt), and Jesus Christ, to name a few. Of course, Jesus introduced his "wife" to us - actually, the tricksters girlfriend dressed in a long robe. I was a little perplexed, however, considering I wasn't actually aware that Jesus had a wife.

And there was the myriad of princesses, ghosts, vampires, spiders, pumpkins, and hookers. Well, I'm not sure if they were hookers because Dennis insists that they didn't charge him, but whatever.

It started the minute I got home! There were tricksters in my driveway when I pulled in. I got the four bags of Reses Peanut Butter Cups (the full size, not those tiny bullshit ones) and one bag of Kit Kat bars in a bowl and just stood by the door. I didn't bother to sit down because once I did, the doorbell was ringing again. This started at 4:45 and by 5:45 we were damned near out of candy so I sent Dennis out to get a couple more bags. We wound up with about 5 mini sized Milky Way bars left over. Which isn't bad considering I bought two bags of candy last year and only had one single trick or treater. Of course, living in the neighborhood we now do it's not surprising that we had a lot of tricksters. What surprised me the most was the age of some of these clowns (oh, yea, saw lots of clowns last night). I swear one group of kids had to be nearing the end of their high school years. Which is fine - it didn't bother me because I really didn't want a ton of candy left over and they generally had the most amusing costumes.

Then, after all the trick or treaters were done for the evening we sat down to watch some TV. Apparently, the last station we watched before turning the TV off the night before was VH1. And, to my horror and utter amusement, what was on VH1 when we turned the TV on? Showgirls. Yes, that's right. The epitome of bad acting and even worse directing. But, what made it special last night is it was the cut version with bikini tops painted on and all the nasty stuff cut out. Which made the movie exactly 28 minutes long. Okay, that's an exaggeration, but you get where I'm going with this.

But the absolute worst part of my TV viewing last night is I saw my first Christmas commercial. Yes, the ink is still wet on the candy wrappers and they're already starting to shove Christmas down our throats. I guess we better get used to it. It's going to be a long two months before the holiday actually hits.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:43 AM  
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