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Tuesday, May 08, 2007
No TV For a While
Happy Tuesday Blog Readers!

It's a pretty morning - but I'm sure it's not going to stay that way. Storms in the forecast. Figures.

Our cable box blew up last night. No TV. And when I called Comcast they pissed me off so bad that I'm not going to get a new box from them. I'm going to check into satellite. So, no TV for me until we get it ordered and installed. I've had it up to my eyeballs with Comcast. Told them to not to bother placing a service order for us - completely discontinue our services. Now, satellite is great for TV but we don't have a home telephone line so I really don't want to pay for that PLUS DSL - so there has to be a way to get internet service without Comcast or a phone line. Anybody know of any options?

So, everybody will just have to tell me how American Idol went tonight, how Lost goes on Wednesday and what happens on Greys on Thursday because I'm not budging from this. I know I'll go through withdrawals by 7:00pm tonight and I'm going to pray to be strong on this. I fear I might need a 12 step program to get me through it though.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:38 AM  
  • At Tuesday, May 08, 2007 8:41:00 AM, Blogger Wildsissy said…

    Hey Sue, Yeah I've been told by my computer geek friends that you can call the phone company and have them "assign" a phone line/number to your residence. It's $7 a month maybe a little more. I never intended on buying a land line for our new house but we wound up with comcast in the end anyway. (oh and of course the phone company or DSL company will never tell you that you have that option)

  • At Tuesday, May 08, 2007 2:15:00 PM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    It's, like, 40 bucks a month for a basic phone line with DSL. I can live with that.

    I'm paying about 48 bucks a month for comcast cable internet, and 20 bucks a month for Vonage phone service so it's still a lot cheaper.

    And, I think we're going to go with dish networks. I really only care about HD and not so much about movie channels.

    I told Comcast 2 months ago to drop the movie channels. They told me they would send me a revised bill. I never got the revised bill an even called them back asking about the revision and they said they don't show a drop in the movie service. I'm like, I called a month ago! She said she would take care of it and, again, send me a revised bill.

    Never got a revised bill and I got home last night and our service was disconnected!! I called them up and they were really rude about it and demanded us to pay the full balance (which included the movie channels) and they would refund it off the next bill.

    I told them to get bent. Don't bother turning it back on. So, until I get satellite and DSL I'm without service!!

    But, in checking into it it appears I could save about 70 bucks a month by doing it this way.

    So worth it!! I've had enough of comcast.

  • At Wednesday, May 09, 2007 9:33:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good for you for changing! Comcast is such a rip-off. The only thing I don't like about Dish Network is I lose service anytime it's raining, snowing, or windy which unfortunately happens a lot in this area. Make sure you install the dish in a place with a clear view of the southern sky, but still easily accessible to you. I've had to go out and re-point the dish a lot to get the optimal signal. I think my dish is in a crappy spot for a signal so you might not have any problems. We're a little limited on location at our townhouse unfortunately. Good luck though!

    Oh, since Rescue Me is starting up soon, make sure you get the next package up on Dish Network so you can get Fx. It's not on the lowest package. You have to have the mid-level one for it.

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