How is it that I leave on Monday with all my work done, but I get in on Tuesday and there's still a million things to do? So, that leaves me to believe that either a) I was deluding myself into believing that I actually had everything done or b) that somebody was hard at work last night making more work for me to do. It's probably a combination of the two.
So, today, I overhear some people at the train station mentioning that the train is probably going to be late tonight because it was late last year when a gazillion people march for an immigration protest. Sorry, but I don't get it. At all. Don't get me wrong - I have no problem with people wanting to come here and work like the rest of us, pay their taxes like the rest of us, and better their lives, like the rest of us. But, fuck! I do have a problem with it when people don't do through the proper channels are are here illegally. Sorry, but it really ticks me off that people are working here, in the United States, that don't have a social security card - hense they don't pay taxes but expect to have the benefits of a taxpayer. I can't even get into this whole discussion right now but all I know is that something isn't right.
Anyway, I better get back to work and earn my 75% (at best) take home salary after taxes are paid. You know, so other people don't have to.