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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Moving Sucks!!
We're moving. Yes, it's a done deal. And we have to be completely moved by January 1st. Nothing really takes you out of the holiday spirit quite like having to move during them. I want to tell you how pissed off I am at my husband for doing this now and not waiting until after the holidays, but I really can't. If you saw how excited he is about this whole thing then you would understand how I just can't find it in me to be mad at him about it. And he tells me that it's the perfect time - since they are slowing down at work due to weather. And how he'll be home more to pack, move stuff, clean etc. But, we'll see how that works out! Then, after discussing how it isn't impossible (which is what I said) to be completely moved in by January 1st, he decides that he's thinking about having a New Years Eve get together at the new house. I told him if he can have everything moved in by December 27th, then I'll agree. So, we'll see.

I notified our landlords last night that we will be out by January 1st. They were pretty shocked by that, but that's the way it goes. I'm sure they'll find renters in no time. Of course, she informed me that she's putting an ad in the newspaper immediately and will be making appointments for showings. The only plus thing about this is that I know she won't be coming in and showing the house while we're gone due to our dog not letting her in. The biggest downside, obviously, is trying to keep the house somewhat presentable to prospective renters while we're packing, there's boxes everywhere, and the piles of trash waiting to be disposed of.

We already started last night. We decided that the best place to start is the basement. If you saw our basement, you would understand why we need to start there! It's loaded with crap. Mostly crap that we are going to throw out anyway. Crap that isn't worth anything and we don't need. Like boxes of out of style clothes that are about 7 sizes too big on me. Clothes that I don't think anybody would ever want to actually wear, otherwise I would donate them to charity. But, seriously, would anybody in any size want to wear a holiday sweater with a cranberry stain on it? Doubtful. But, hey, if you're reading this and really want a shot at it, make me an offer!! Just kidding. I did keep a few nicer pieces, like some big sweaters that still look pretty good.

One thing about unpacking and going through boxes in the basement is all the cool memorabilia that you run across. Like, Birthday and Christmas cards from my mom - who passed away almost 7 years ago. So, I kept those. Then there's the crap like my wedding pictures from 1981 to my ex-husband that I haven't spoken to in 14 years. I'll admit, I tossed them in the trash then immediately went back in a fished them out. I don't know why I'm holding on to them - maybe because it does have some sentimental value. Especially the ones with me and my grandpa who passed away at 101 years old in 1995 (or 1994 - give or take a few years). It's kind of sad, though, going through some of these things and all of the emotions that you feel as you do.

The nice thing is that I had three heaping trash cans worth of shit that need to be hauled away, and in the process made 7 empty plastic boxes with lids that I can now use to stuff the shit that we're keeping. Like, clothes that actually fit and are from this century.

I think the biggest obstacle in our way with this move is this - what do we do with the mounds of garbage? I mean, garbage service only runs once a week and you can't put a ton of stuff out there for them to take. I had to break it to my husband that the only feasible solution is for him to bring a big truck home from work every other day to get the trash out. Of course, he looks at me and says, "Where am I going to take it?". To which I replied, "Sounds like a problem best left resolved by you."

It's going to be a long long December.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:28 AM  
  • At Wednesday, November 29, 2006 8:17:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Maybe you guys can dump the garbage at dumpsters at work? It's a big pain in the ass, I know. My hubby took a crapload of stuff to his old condo and just dumped it, and family and friends sometimes have room. Good for you, though! We have home for sale and I've doing the same thing.

  • At Wednesday, November 29, 2006 8:44:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Call your city people and see if you can rent a dumpster for a reasonable fee. They bring it in and then they haul it off. May not work that way in your area though. Worth a try! Good Luck!

  • At Wednesday, November 29, 2006 10:27:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As long as what you put out there is light enough for the average male to be able to lift and throw in the back of the truck on his own, I'd say you are fine putting a large quantity of garbage out at once.

    The garbage people in my area are really picky about things they take, but they are not concerned about the quantity. We have a neighbor across the street that put out a big piece of drywall that they didn't take and it's been sitting on the parkway for over a month now. I'm surprised the HOA hasn't made them pick it up yet. We've also had people that put carpet out that they wouldn't take.

    As far as the old clothes, I would donate everything that is not stained, ripped, or really worn out. Something that might not be stylish to you could be stylish to someone else. When I donate stuff, I figure they go through everything anyway so let them make the decisions on what to keep. :)

    Good luck! Hope the move works out for you. I'll be looking forward to reading more about it. I'm sure you'll give us all the details.

  • At Saturday, December 02, 2006 5:33:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How about buying a house? This is the right time, I'd think.

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