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Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Another American Idol Falls
Hey Blog Readers. What's up?

I just got done reading something funny. For all you American Idol fans, you know ever year there is the one controversial contestant. You know, the types like Frenchie Davis - who was disqualified after it was discovered that she posed in her *gasp* underwear for some lingerie site or something like that. Then there was the guy that claimed Paula Abdul was helping him with his image, helping him score drugs, and helping him find his penis. And last year we had that dreadful Antonella Barba who couldn't sing a note to save her life that posed in provocative slutwear, oops, I mean swimwear looking all slutty on the internet. Well, this year it's come out that David Hernandez was a stripper in a gay bar. Now, I would have expected it from a few of the *ahem* other male contestants, but David isn't even hot. Even gay guy hot. Oh well. I wonder if he'll be kicked out like his other less than squeeky clean counterparts from years past. Oh, yea, Antonella could pose in skanky slutwear photos and stay in but Frenchy, who could actually sing, got kicked out. And David isn't a bad singer so I'm going to guess that he's going to be outta there.

What happened last night - oh yea, I made the home made pizza. And had a whopping 22 points of it. Christ. That's a lot of pizza points! It was so good though. I had two pieces - and, yes, two pieces of my pizza is 22 points. What the fuck was I thinking?

I did watch the finale of the Terminator - Sarah Connor Chronicles. I hope it comes back next year - but I'm not holding my breath. It's refreshingly interesting though so I hope it does. What was probably the coolest scene in the whole series happened last night. John Connor goes out to eat with his Uncle (who supposedly doesn't know he's his uncle - he's Kyle's brother) for ice cream. While in the park they observe two young boys playing ball. On the back of the older kid the name Reese appeared. So, John looks at him, then the other smaller boy bounces his ball near John and John gets up to get him his ball. And he's staring at his father, whom he's never met, as a child. It was actually very cool. See, I loved the Terminator movies - except the last one which was kind of lame. And always thought it would have been cool to see what happened in between the second and the last movie. It's extremely far fetched - even more so than the movies (if that's possible) but for a TV series it's actually pretty impressive. I can't help but wonder how much money Fox has thrown at that series. And, judging that it wasn't extremely successful, wondering if they'll throw more money at it next year or scrap the whole thing. I guess only time will tell.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:45 AM  
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