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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
When the Cat's Away
The mice should definitely play.

Yay! The boss is out the rest of the week. The bastard went to the Carribbean (or is it Carribean? Fucking spell check). And I'm totally jealous.

I actually made a pretty decent dinner last night. I got some salmon filets pretty cheap at the store over the weekend so I had Dennis marinade them all day in some sesame ginger marinade and just baked them for about 23 minutes and made some wild rice to go with it. You know it's sad when I'm talking about cooking for the love of Christ.

Oh, and I hear there's more snow in the forecast. Shit! I'm so over winter already. But then again I was over it in November and it wasn't even winter yet.

I watched my first episode of American Idol since the new season started last night. Yea, there was nothing else on. I skipped all the stupid audition shows because, well, if I want to watch idiots I can just as easily look out my front door. There seems to be a few noteworthy people in it this year. But why do they always have to put one through that just shouldn't be anywhere near a stage - unless they are sweeping the stage floor? You know who I'm talking about. That red headed geek from a couple seasons ago. The Sanjaya's. The ones that are without question not capable of actually winning? Somebody should slap Paula for putting them through. Although I think it has more to do with seeing herself in them. Because, after all, she's probably one of the worst singers to actually gain a carreer singing. Well, right up there with Britney Spears of course. It was kind of cool to see them allowing them to use instruments in Hollywood week. Even though most of the fools choosing to actually use an instrument are incapable of playing said instrument and being able to sing. We'll see what happens next. I think they know they need to do something since so many winners and runners up are losing their contracts because, well, they pretty much suck (Taylor Hicks ring a bell?). So maybe they'll take it a little more seriously this year. Yea, right.

Well, I guess I should get some work done. Even though the boss is out doesn't mean I get to play all day. As much as it should mean that. That should be a rule of business. If the boss is out it's not only acceptable but strongly encouraged that you do as little work as possible. I guess that's why I'm a peon worker and not in a management position - ya think?
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:53 AM  
  • At Wednesday, February 13, 2008 8:55:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You're close, it's Caribbean. Single r, double b. :) However it's spelled, I would love to be there right now. I'm so done with winter too. This winter is no fun for me because I can't go outside and play in the snow with the kids and go sledding. I'm afraid I'll hurt myself or the baby.

    I really can't get into American Idol or any of the shows like that. I watched a little bit of America's Got Talent and tried to watch Dance War, but I couldn't get into those either. The only Idol winner that I totally love is Carrie Underwood. Now, she's got talent! So I can thank that show for starting her career and I don't think she's going anywhere anytime soon.

  • At Wednesday, February 13, 2008 9:01:00 AM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    Yes, Carrie is the most successful idol they've ever had. She has mass appeal and she was wise to stick with doing Country.

    How's the baby doing in there? Cooking right along? Do you ding when he/she's done?

    Oh, do you know if it's a boy or girl or both or neither yet? *S*

  • At Wednesday, February 13, 2008 10:16:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The baby's doing good as far as I know. He or she has been kicking a lot, but only just starting to kick enough where I can feel it from the outside. Mike's been wanting to feel it and it's just not quite time yet.

    I wish I could finally get to the point where I have my appetite back and I can eat without feeling sick. I have a lot of food aversions, chicken being a big one. I've been trying to eat less fat and healthier all around to see if that will help with my nausea, so I tried to eat a Chicken Teriyaki Stir Fry Lean Cuisine yesterday for lunch and I was so grossed out by it I could barely eat it. Being on WW before, I ate chicken ALL the time and now I just can't stand it. I'm having a really hard time with any kind of meat except for fish fry and sometimes steak. Go figure! About the only things I can handle are crackers, peanut butter, pasta, pizza, and sometimes salad.

    I really want to be hungry and have cravings and enjoy my pregnancy like I did the other two. I am 4.5 months now and this shit should have gone away by now like with the other two! Ugh!

    We don't know yet if it's a boy or girl, but I have an ultrasound next Wednesday and we hope to find out then. I can hardly wait. I'm so jealous that Moody has her ultrasound on Thursday this week and I'm farther along than her. I have a very strong feeling it's another girl. We'll see what happens! Everyone else seems to be having boys, but I think mine will be different.

    LOL, yeah I sort of ding when he/she is done. The contractions are like an oven timer I guess. LOL! Some women even have their belly buttons pop out like a turkey, but luckily I don't get that. *gross*

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