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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Why Do People Cheat?
And I'm not talking about screwing around with somebody else, as in fucking around. There have been books and volumes written about the evils of a cheating man or woman. I'm talking more in a broad sense. But, I suppose that people who cheat in other aspects of their lives are way more likely to hop up and down on a strange monster as well.
Let's start this by explaining what I witnessed today and what got me thinking about this very stupid topic. Ok, I admit. I cheat. I speed when I'm in a hurry, I'll make a left turn at a turn lane way after the yellow turned to red, and I'll snarf up a parking spot by following people to their cars. That last one? People look at you really strange, like you're stalking them by the way. It's a lot of fun, I suggest you try it. I digress...

There's one stop light on my way to work every morning that is usually very backed up with people making a left hand turn. Of course, if you're going straight you don't have to wait behind 30 cars to get through the light so this is what people will do to cheat this light. They will go straight, then turn around about 1/8 mile down the road and then come back and make a right at the light - getting ahead of about 30 other suckers who are still waiting. Is this cheating or is it just a smart move in traffic? Let's take this scenario one stage further. Let's suppose you're not in a car. You're in a grocery store. And it's a Saturday. And the store is packed with frazzled housewives, screaming annoying kids throwing temper tantrums because bitch ass mom won't let them eat the cookies in the store, and a few male stragglers here and there. You're in a big hurry. Would you cut in front of a line of 5 people waiting for the grocery store cashier? Probably not. And not because you don't want to and you wouldn't do it, given the opportunity. It's because those harried housewives would kick your ass right out the automatic opening doors and onto the curb if you tried that shit.

So what's my point you ask? Well, the point is that a housewife is less likely to kick your ass if you're in your car than in a grocery store I suppose. Or my point is that people who cheat usually deserve to get their asses kicked. But, really, it's neither one. The point is that if you're going to cheat, make sure that the cop who is sitting taking radar in the bank parking lot right in front of where you just made an illegal U-Turn to get ahead of traffic isn't looking.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:57 AM  
  • At Wednesday, September 06, 2006 8:28:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Suzie - totally love your outlook on traffic mongers. I also hate traffic, especially morning traffic. I happen to live right across the street from an elementary school (at the dead end facing the playground). Trying to get onto the main road out of my neighborhood is a nightmare (thankfully I know the crossing guard and she will stop the traffic just so I can enter the street).

    Now this morning some stupid OLD farmer decides to drive his farm equipment that takes two full lanes of traffic down the highway going 25 miles an hour. All the traffic heading to work has to pass him in the oncoming lane. I bet a few choice words were flying (including mine). I have not figured out why farmers and old people think they need to be on the road at 7:30 to 8:30 AM; 11:00 to 1:00 PM; 4:30 to 5:30 PM. STAY HOME or drive the speed limit.

  • At Sunday, September 10, 2006 8:37:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So true Sue. I have "cheated" and done the same thing myself. Oh well, if that's the worst thing I ever do I'm happy with that.

  • At Wednesday, September 13, 2006 8:45:00 AM, Blogger suebiedoobie said…

    PLJEWELS, the farm implements are absolutely the WORST!!

    I feel ya.

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