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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Friday, September 01, 2006
3 Day Weekend!!!
Holy hell!! It's a Friday before a 3 day weekend!! Yea, I know. I'm trying too hard to sound convincing, aren't I? It's not that I'm happy - Christ, I'm happy just not having to go to work for 3 days. But, I'm bummin' out big time. I think it's because Labor Day marks the end of the summer. And I'm a summer girl. And I know what's coming up.

Oh, it starts innocently enough. You wake up in the morning and there's dew on the lawn. You need a sweater or a jacket in the morning, but by mid morning it's usually around 70 degrees or so. But that doesn't last long. It's replaced by the air becoming more crisp in the morning and staying that way most of the day. Next thing you know the leaves are tumbling down and you're stuck raking your fucking lawn twice a week. Unless, you're like me, and just let them lay there (hey, it's natures insulation naysayers!!). At this point, I'll be completely depressed because the days of driving topless (the car, morons) are indeed over. Then all of a sudden you've got little shits dressed up in ridiculously lame and most often times cute little costumes ringing your doorbell and begging for candy. Then it's all downhill from there. It's November, the air is really frigid by now and you might even get some snow around here by then. But fuck December, January, February and most of March. Really, fuck everything until around May for that matter because it's all going to be cold and dreary and just basically suck.

Alright, so there's the things that I hate about what is coming up. Dare I mention the things that are really cool that are coming up? Because I really need to keep telling myself this shit. So, right now there's 3 days off. Yes, the weather is going to be crappy but I can get a lot of stuff done around the house. And tonight I'm going out to dinner with a girlfriend and her 2 daughters. At the end of September is Dennis and my 5th wedding anniversary and we're going to spend it visiting my family in Texas. We also have the Weight Watchers Newbie trip coming up - which it's looking more and more like it will probably be early November, from the responses I've been getting back. And, with the help of Kim we're going to be busy organizing this little get together. I just hope I don't fuck it up too bad.

Dennis is wanting to host a Halloween party this year. Which would be fun so I say why not? It's a great excuse for him to get off his ass and get some stuff done around the house that we've been putting off for a year now. Then there's Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Dennis birthday in February, my birthday in March.....then SPRING!!! And it all starts up all over again...

So, maybe there is some optimist in me after all. But don't get all up in my Cheerio's just yet. The sarcastic, pessimisticly jaded Sue hasn't left the building quite yet.

Have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:46 AM  
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