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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Addicted to Religion?
I'm going to try to get deep on this thing today. But, never fear. I'm sure I'll still wind up botching the job and being a complete smart ass somewhere along the line. And, if you're easily offended by any of the following you shouldn't be reading my blog anyway:

Religion, Sex, Drugs, Politics, Foul Language, Boobs, Fart Noises, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Rim Jobs, Jobs in General, Jesus, Urban Decay, People Who Can't Spell, People Who Can't Read, People Who Smell Like Crap, People in General....

So, onto to today's topic. Can you be addicted to religion? I thought about this for the past few days since my husband brought it up, and I'm beginning to think it's entirely possible.

Take somebody who has an addictive personality to begin with. Whether it be cigarettes, food, sex, drugs, alcohol, clothes (that would be me), whatever it is. Wouldn't it be a safe thing to say that if that kind of a person were to get involved in, say, a church group, that they wouldn't wind up, I dunno, addicted to it in a way where it affects their every day life and the lives of those around them?

Merriam-Webster says this about addiction:

Main Entry: ad·dic·tion
Pronunciation: &-'dik-sh&n, a-Function: noun1 : the quality or state of being addicted Addiction to Reading 2 : compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful

Ok, so that's really broad, but if you look at the noun version of addicted they even mention an additiction to reading. So, if you can have all these addictions this brings me to my next question:

What would some of those 12 step meetings be like?

Hi, I'm Bob and I'm a Jesus addict. I love Jesus. No, I mean I really LOOOVE Jesus. Jesus looks good.

Ok, I think I crossed all sorts of lines there. What I have fun picturing is the sex addict 12 step meetings. I mean, you've got all these horny people sitting around talking about sex. Seriously, you might as well just hand out a Hustler Forum (or whatever it's called) at the door and make a day out of it.

Ok, I'm fresh out of ideas here. And, I'll go back to the very first statement: I'm sure I'll still wind up botching the job and being a complete smartass somewhere along down the line. And I did. At least I'm consistent.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:39 AM  
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