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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Monday, March 17, 2008
Costco & TOM
I survived the weekend. But I'm having some kind of strange thing going on.

If you're immune to TOM talk, then continue reading. If it's too much for you to handle, then by all means exit at once and don't come back.

I've been experiencing light cramping - and I'm nowhere near TOM. If it were just one day I would think okay, whatever. But I got this last month too a couple weeks before TOM. Now, this month, I'm getting it again - a couple weeks before. And I wouldn't think that much about it but this has just started and it's kinda freaky.

Anyway, we went out on Saturday and Sunday. Yes, we went out two days in a row! Can you believe it? Well, Dennis asked what I wanted to do yesterday for my birthday and he jokingly said that we could go to some guitar stores and just mess around. I told him only if there's an adjacent shoe store! So, we went to the shoe store - DSW Shoeworks. And, I have to report, I didn't buy a thing. Just didn't see anything at all that struck my fancy. So, we left empty handed. Then we decided to stop at Costco since I have this $25 dollar gift card. Again, there was nothing there that I wanted. Besides, there wasn't anything in the store worth $25 bucks to stand in the god awful lines for. So, again, we left empty handed.

And I have to say this about Costco: it was my first time in one of their stores. And I was horribly unimpressed. As a matter of fact, I think their prices are higher than anyplace else. I saw a laptop that is a step down from the one I bought - for $799! I paid $699 for mine and it's a much better model. And just about everything I saw was like that. Those places are great if you want a lifetime supply of toilet paper, but if you're going in thinking you're going to save a bunch of money on stuff then shop around.

Anyway, the boss is out today and tomorrow so I'm counting on being rather lazy today. Of course, that's not the reality. It's usually pretty busy because everybody is calling wanting to talk to him or leave him messages. Or insisting that we figure out what they want even though it's something we don't normally handle. So, it should be fun.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:58 AM  
  • At Monday, March 17, 2008 10:34:00 AM, Blogger Sarah said…

    well my boss was supposed to be gone, but showed up. GRRRRRRR. Enjoy.

  • At Monday, March 17, 2008 11:35:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good news is you didn't spend ANY money! Woo hoo! :o)

    Maybe you are having painful ovulation? That happens sometimes. Is the cramping more to each side or one particular side? If it persists you might want to get checked out by your Gynnie just so you can rule out any problems.

    Hope you had a nice birthday yesterday!

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