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Chicken Wings and Boobie Tassels

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Hump Day Blues
Well, here we go again. Another work day, another quarter. Inflation you know. So, it's Wednesday. Hump day, some people call it. I'm not quite sure what they are humping, and, really, not sure I want to know but I sure hope it feels good!

I watched Nip/Tuck last night. I'm still trying to figure out this silly show. I have the first season DVD and watched all the episodes, but considering it's in its fourth season, there's some big gaping holes in what has happened between the season finale of the first season and the second episode of the fourth season. I suppose I'll have to just bite the bullet and go out and get the second and third seasons on DVD. I'm such a sucker. I still can't believe that Sean slept with the almost nanny last night. He's worse than Christian! At least Christian is honest about who he is.

Speaking of DVD's, can you still bring a mini DVD player on an airplane without them freaking out on you thinking that you're a terrorist wielding mother fucker?

I'm still fuming about my altercation with a total bitch I had to deal with yesterday. Here's how it went down:

Her: Your certificate of insurance is not compliant
Me: Ok, fax over the cert with the revisions you want and we'll take care of it.
Her: I already faxed it over this morning and you didn't do it correctly.
Me: After we do a certificate we don't retain the original fax.
Besides, if it needs to be changed we have to have it in writing so we can show our insured where it came from and what needed to be...(cuts me off)
Her: I'm not faxing it again
Me: Then how am I going to know what needs to be....(cut off again)
Her: It's all in the original fax.
Me: For the third time, you'll need to fax it. What needs to be changed?
Her: All the text on the second notepad page needs to be included on the cert.
Me: What's a notepad page?
Her: What, you don't know how to use your own software? Let me talk to somebody who knows what they're doing.
Me: I can assure you I know exactly what I'm doing (there are other things I would have rather said, but, I must remain professional). We don't have a "notepad" page on our system. What text on the 2nd page needs to be included?
Her: The entire second page.
Me: There's, like, 10 paragraphs on that page that describes coverages already included on the certificate. We don't have room on a certificate to put an entire page of text on it that isn't necessary. And, I would have to have it approved through our legal department due to the extent of the terms in the text.
Her: It's the only way we'll take it. Call me when you get the fax.
Me: (I call her once I get it) I have it, and I'm not sure how we can do this, but let me (cut off again)
Her: Who do I need to call in your home office to get this done. (they would kill me if I gave that info out)
Me: Nobody. We have to do this through our own office. I'm just not sure how technically (cut off)
Her: What, don't you know how to read? What level of school did you com....(I cut HER off)
Me: Listen, I don't need to take this shit from you. I'll have you speak to the agent (cut off once more)
Her: I will not tolerate being rudely cut off by somebody in your position! I will find out who your boss is and by the time I'm done with you, you won't have a job. (how the fuck does she even know what my position IS?)
Me: Lady, you have cut me off on just about every sentence so far and if you (cut off again)
Her: I don't know who you are, but you cannot speak to me like this.
Me: I'll tell you what, I'll pass this along to the agent and you can talk to him about it
Me: *click*

I swear to God, if this stupid ass bitch sorry excuse for a woman calls again today, I don't know if I will be able to hold back. I did tell my boss about it and he laughed. He told me if she calls again, to put her through to him. Great!

Ok, vacation countdown! The number is finally going down...

8 Days

until Texas. Come on, hurry up and get here already! If I don't go on vacation soon, you might be reading about me standing on a clock tower someplace with a semi-automatic weapon.
posted by suebiedoobie @ 7:43 AM  
  • At Wednesday, September 20, 2006 9:11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As far as I know yes. I have traveled internationally for work and I take my laptop on teh plane. You might have to turn it on for them and take it out of the case like I do with my laptop.

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