Why do men always have to have the room at a temperature only a penguin could love?
I have a great boss. I really do. He's a decent guy that pays me pretty good (could be better) and doesn't complain a lot - even when I screw up. He's always concerned about the rest of us being comfortable in our work environment. So much so that he closed 2 weeks ago on a new property that we will soon be moving our office into. Of course, the work involved in moving is probably going to kill me but the new office has a lot more room than what we have right now. It's pretty tight corners for us in our office right now. No room to move around at all or hire any more staff, which we will promptly be doing once we move. This new person would take over some of my duties so I can concentrate more on our systems and selling more insurance. Which is what I live for *smirk*

Old, Current Teeny Tiny Office The nice thing about the new office is this - my boss will have his own thermostat in his office. If he wants it 20 below fucking zero then he can have it 20 below fucking zero without the rest of us complaining and bitching about it all day. Which has to be a bonus for him because then he won't have to listen to three women constantly harrasing him about it being cold all the time - well, except one of us. But that's because she's his wife and he took an oath at least 23 years ago saying that he would put up with all things bitchy from her. And she took an oath to put up with freezing her ass off for the rest of her life with him. I took no such oath, not even with my own husband. He knows that if he puts that temperature too low that he has to put up with bitching and he doesn't want any of that.
Anyway, the boss was gone all last week which is nice because a) it's so peaceful and I can actually get my work done and b) because I don't have to wear a parka in the office when it's 78 degrees outside. Which is exactly what is happening today. I have my space heater by my feet so I don't lose my toes to frostbite.
Welcome back boss.
And as a side note, please be sure to help save Screech's house by buying a crappy TShirt. I guess his Saved by the Bell money is long gone by now.... http://www.getdshirts.com/
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!