I must confess. I am a Shop-a-Holic. Some dip-shit told me that admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. What that dip-shit probably doesn’t know is that I’m not admitting I have a problem with shopping – I have a problem with money. And not making enough of it to do all the shopping I want to do. But, let’s face it. I don’t think there’s enough money in the world to do all the shopping I want.
A lot of that is my own fault. I’m not a very good saver. I figure I don’t have kids, I’m not having kids, so any money that I make I might as well spend because there isn’t anybody to inherit it after I’m dead, right? Yea, I know. Maybe my first step should be admitting I have an attitude problem. But, we don’t have enough time today to even touch the surface of that one. I’m a lot better than I used to be about spending money but I don’t think that has anything to do with me being more thrifty. I just have more bills to pay now. In the past year I’ve acquired a new car, new boobs, and have to now self pay my health insurance (don’t even get me started on that one) which means I now have payments on all of these things. Which gets me back to my original confession – my name is Suzie and I need to make more money!!
So, there’s a few ways I could make more money and do more shopping. One would be to get a part time job. But, then when would I have time to shop? You see where this would be a problem. Second, I could sell my car. As if!! I would sell my body first which gets me to number three. Prostitution. And that’s out because, frankly, I would be way too tired from screwing guys brains out for a whopping 25 bucks a pop. And we all know how far 25 bucks goes nowadays.
 Now, how could I possibly give THIS up?
I guess I’m just going to have to face facts. I must learn to budget better and not spend $300 dollars on a fucking purse that I just had to have because it was oh so cute and it’ll last so much longer because it’s made so much better so it’ll really save me money instead of costing me money bullshit.
My name is Suzie and I’m a Shop-a-holic. |
I wouldn't give that car up either. and I'm a shopaholic too.