.... I completely understand how it's always best to do things when they're more convenient. This applies to things like vacation, grocery shopping, and having dinner. But does this really need to be the case with holidays....especially IMPORTANT holidays?
I remember Fourth of July when I was a kid. I lived in a small town and everybody knew that on July Fourth the town's park would be hosting a bodacious, kick ass fireworks show. It was a huge event - the town would basically shut down, everybody would go to the park and picnic all day then lounge on their blanket and wait for the fireworks show. Everything was consistent - even the day it was held - the Fourth of Fucking July!!
This year the Fourth of July fell on a Tuesday. So, we planned to go out with some friends for the Fourth of July and find someplace to see a band, get some drinks and some food, and watch some fireworks. Maybe take in an outdoor bar that has a band going on or maybe just someplace that has SOMETHING happening on this holiday. What's nice is around here there are a million little communities that, you would think, you would have a million things to choose from on the Fourth of July. If you're familiar at all with Northern Illinois and the Chicago Suburbs there's about 40 different communities to choose from.
We decide that there's one place in particular that always has a great outdoor party every sunny weekend in the summer. It's called the Broken Oar.

So we go out to the Oar. There's nobody there - it's completely dead!! Did we sleep through the Fourth of July and it's the fifth and we don't know it? So, we have a drink and decide to check out Keif's Reef. Still, nothing, completely boring. No band, no food, just some beer. So, there's another place to check out and try - Famous Freddie's in Fox Lake.
 Again, boring!! But, they have great food so we finally get something to eat at least. While we're there we overhear that the Fox Lake fireworks are happening at Minneola Bay that evening. So we go there. No fucking fireworks!!! There is at least a bar so we have a drink. We ask the bartender where the hell the fireworks are. He tells us that Fox Lake had theirs on Saturday night along with everybody else in a 50 mile radius. So at this point, we all decide it's just wise to cut our losses and just admit defeat - there isn't anything to do on the Fourth of July and we're not seeing any fucking fireworks anywhere.
Ahhhh....I long for the days that you could actually see Fireworks on the Fourth of July (not July First). I miss when the Fourth of July is actually celebrated ON the Fourth of July. Maybe we should start to celebrate Christmas on December 22nd - it just might be more convenient.
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.